With evolving regulatory requirements ESG Technology provides analysis of climate risk, energy efficiency and social impacts of physical assets.

With evolving regulatory requirements ESG Technology provides analysis of climate risk, energy efficiency and social impacts of physical assets.

For Financial Institutions, Banks, Building Societies etc. as regulators insist financial institutions understand their exposure to climate change the ability of banks to understand their current exposures and tools to analyse prospective clients is becoming ever more important.

At ESG Technology we have developed cloud based web enabled tools to analyse financial institutions loan portfolios understanding their climate related risk, energy efficiency and proportion of loans in socially deprived areas, allowing financial services firms, banks building societies and non bank financial lenders to really understand and focus on their ‘Scope 3’ impact.

If you are interested in understanding more then please get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss our products and plans with you!

ESG Technology Ltd is a companty registerd in Scotland company number SC675738